What does a hug from God feel like? On this Fifth Sunday, Vanessa Maleare leads our entire community, including our younger ones from Greenhouse and Zamyn, in a moment of wonder. She reminds us that God loves us holistically, including our being, thoughts, and feelings. [Genesis 1:1-5, 26-27, 31] Reflection Which song or breath practice might you deepen? Where do […]
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Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.5.21
Liturgy Restore us, O Living God, by the breath of your Spirit,for some of us are wilted and weary. Some of us areanxious for restoration, and wonder if it will happen at all. Hear our voices crying out amidst the noise,where we hide to wait for a new day. Let us not be bound to the earth by ourweariness and […]
The Wisdom of Singing
How does singing sustain us? Gena St. David resonates with the power of songs to help us embody hope in challenging times of adversity and nonviolently resist injustice. [Psalms 68:4-9] Reflection Which song or breath practice might you deepen? Where do you desire to feel more free? How might song or breath help you decide to wait or move? Resources […]
Liturgy God of all things,we arrive as a collectiveembodying an abundanceof every human need. God of limitless compassion,we bring our broken hearts before you.Restore the distorted vision in our eyesto see what you see in ourselves and each other. God of limitless dreams,we bring our broken dreams before you.Restore the frayed edges of hopeswhere we are jaded and cynical. God […]
What Is Forgiveness?
What does forgiveness mean to you? Gena St. David places lived experience of personal and systemic injustice of the church in conversation with the anxious disciples’ first encounter with the risen Christ. [John 20:19-23] Reflection When have you feared punishment for telling the truth? How might anger become a holy emotion? What injustices do we need to grieve more fully […]