Marcus Clarke, Resident Artist at Vesper, enters into a conversation with Weylin Lee exploring how art articulates and forms us along our spiritual journey, and encourages us to see our various callings as part of exercising our God given creativity. [Genesis 1:1-5, 26-27, 31] Reflection How are we invited to practice creativity and co-create with Creator? How might our practice […]
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Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.10.22
Liturgy In a world shadowed by cruelty, violence and loss, Is there good reason for the planting of flowers? Yes! For these bursts of color and beautiful blooms are bright dabs of grace, witnesses to a promise, reminders of a spreading beauty more eternal, and therefore stronger, than any evil, than any grief, than any injustice or violence. What is the source of their beauty?The forms […]
Original Beauty
Jason Minnix reflects on how we’re invited to notice the intention of beauty amidst devastation. Nic Acosta also shares his reflections on this text [Genesis 1-2:4]. Reflection Where am I being invited to practice antifragility and fragility? How am I being invited into beauty this week? Spiritual Practice Pick a practice that may be either supporting your fragility or your […]