Stories tagged:

Advent: Waiting for Eternity

Gideon Tsang and Mick Santostefano share about their experience in Dehli, India and reflect on how Advent is the finite waiting for the infinite. [2 Peter 3:8-15] Reflection: What kind of people should we be that anticipate the justice of God? Do we trust in God’s promise that he will bring justice? What are the things that we need to […]

Advent Potluck [Dec 13]

Gather as a community to celebrate the Advent season at our annual potluck, Saturday December 13 at 7pm. Bring your family, invite your friends & neighbors! Please bring a dish to share with 10-12 people. This event is BYOB, but we didn’t have enough food last year so please bring a dish too! There will not be childcare (but we […]

Advent Potluck

At Vox we are always saying “see you throughout the week.” We find ways to do this by meeting in Midweek groups, happy hours, and other special events.  Next week, we’ll be getting together to celebrate Advent, the first season of the Christian year. On Tuesday, December 10, at 6 pm, we’ll have a potluck at Space 12.  Bring a […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 12.23.12

Liturgy God spoke in the beginning; out of darkness came night and day, out of emptiness came creation, out of loneliness came humankind. And God said, “This is very good.” God spoke when the world was troubled; giving voice to prophets from the earliest days, moving through Mary as she gave birth to her child, crying as a vulnerable baby […]

Advent – Anxiety

Gideon continues in the Advent season from the Lectionary. [Philippians 4:4-9] Reflection: How can we embrace God’s presence in our lives in spite of our circumstances and situations? What are the things we need to practice so that God’s peace will be experienced in our lives?

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 12.09.12

Liturgy In this season of Advent, may we grow still enough to hear the small noises earth makes in preparing for the long sleep of winter, so that we ourselves may grow calm and grounded deep within. May we grow still enough to hear the trickling of water seeping into the hard ground, so that our souls may also be […]

Advent – Chockers

Gideon continues in the Advent season from the Lectionary. [Philippians 1:9-11] Reflection: Who are the enemies in our lives that we need to love so that our love will be overflowing? Are we choosing what’s good or what’s best? Are we looking for what pleases God?