Formation @ VOX

Formation Posts from Vox Veniae

Midweek Group Connection Night [Feb 19]

Midweek groups provide an opportunity for the Vox community to live the church throughout the week and to facilitate our spiritual formation. Each of these groups usually ranges from 6-10 people and meet on various nights of the week throughout the city. Groups engage various expressions of Scripture and prayer and have access to a wide range of discussion guides […]

Midweek Group Coordinators Retreat [Feb 1]

On Sat, Feb 1, we will be offering a time of development, training and connection for our Midweek Group coordinators as they facilitate our groups.  In preparation of our Spring Book Club (A Faith of Many Rooms), we are hoping to start new groups for those looking to plug into a group. Date: Sat, Feb 1 Time: 9am-4pm (breakfast and lunch included) Where: Kimberly Culbertson’s […]

Midweek Group Spring Book Club

Our Midweek Groups will be going through a spring book club around A Faith of Many Rooms (by Debie Thomas).  Debie recently spoke at our fall retreat last November. In her book, she shares her personal story growing up in church, to the disorientations of a deconstructing faith, to a Christianity that makes room for all her identities. These groups will […]

Vox 101 [Nov 3]

We will be holding our quarterly Vox 101 Lunch on Sunday, November 3 after liturgy from 12:00-1:30pm for anyone interested in learning more about Vox and the process of becoming a Covenant Member.  This is an opportunity to hear the story of Vox, connect with leadership and ask questions about the values that shape our community.  Where: Vesper (3106 E 14th 1/2 […]

Theology For Wanderers

At Vox, we’re a spiritual community that seeks to embody Christ while respecting the beauty and mystery of this shared adventure. We’ve navigated the challenges of the pandemic, pastoral transitions, faith crises, and profound growth in both young people and those wrestling with faith. We’ll always be a place where belonging comes before belief and that respects the many perspectives […]

Midweek Group Connection Night [Oct 2]

Midweek groups provide an opportunity for the Vox community to live the church throughout the week and to facilitate our spiritual formation. Each of these groups usually range from 6-10 people and meet on various nights of the week throughout the city. Groups engage various expressions of Scripture and prayer and have access to a wide range of discussion guides […]

Midweek Group Book Club Celebration [July 31]

To mark the completion of our Midweek Groups’ Spring Book Club reading of Cole Arthur Riley’s This Here Flesh, Vox will be hosting a celebratory evening on July 31.  The evening will feature opportunities to discuss content from the book, write our own breath prayers, and practice other contemplative expressions described in her book.  When: Wednesday, July 31 from 6-8pm Where: […]