Author Archives: wolfgang

Covenant Members Meeting [May 22]

Join us after liturgy on Sunday, May 22 for our Covenant Members meeting. We’ll be sharing updates on our ministry team, our building, and dialogue around our focus for the upcoming year. This meeting is for all covenant members and members in discernment at Vox Veniae. Lunch from Fricano’s Deli will be provided, please bring $5! Rsvp to this event […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.08.2016

Liturgy We believe in God, who speaks through prophets and angels and lifts our gaze up to high and beautiful paths and peaks. We believe in Christ Jesus, free of corruption, yet willingly numbered among the sinners, baptized in the waters of the Jordan. We believe in the Spirit, who rested on Jesus like a dove, and inspired him with […]

Community Prayers 2016.05.08

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … The Mothers in our lives, for their grace and love that we feel from them (Weylin) God’s care for us after an intense storm hit our property (Brandon) Weylin’s […]

Spring Potluck [May 25]

We at Vox love opporunities for our community to gather and share time outside of Sunday liturgy. On Wednesday, May 25 we are holding a spring potluck! Please bring a dish (+ serving utensil!) to share with 10-12 people, and a beverage (alcoholic or non!) to share as well. Vox folks love a BYOB, but to ensure that everone gets […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.01.2016

Liturgy Pour out your Spirit upon us as we gather, God of our salvation: so your grace might strengthen us for service; so your peace might calm our troubled souls; so your hope might mend our broken hearts. You poured out your life that we might be filled with the gift of salvation. You humbled yourself that we might be […]

Community Prayers 2016.05.01

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … My friends in Maryland whose twins were born healthy despite a high risk pregnancy (Joe) My housewarming party last week and the gifts I received (Becky) My own journey […]

Community Prayers 2016.04.24

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … My brother Jordan’s return after his motorcycle trip The community myself and my husband, who is an athiest,and our children have found at Vox. (Shauna) My friends Nathan and […]