Author Archives: weylin

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.02.09

Liturgy Almighty God, we thank you for your past blessings. Today we offer ourselves – whatever we do, say, or think – to your loving care. We make this morning offering in union with the divine intentions of Jesus Christ who offered himself up on a cross that we may have life and live it to the fullest. Continue to […]

[Vox News] National Cheesecake Day Edition

Käsekuchen. Gâteau au Fromage. Branza. No matter your language of choice, Cheesecake is totally off the heezy fo sheezy!! Of course,there will always be a debate as to where you should go for the world’s best slice of cheesy goodness, but no matter how you slice it, Cheesecake has got to be one of the best creations to ever come […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.26.09

Liturgy Redeeming God, we journey in hope: daring to believe in impossible things; seeing your imprint on our lives and in our world; knowing that you break through in unexpected ways, even in confusion and despair: in the love of friends and strangers; in the beauty of creation and in the laughter of our neighbors, where we catch a glimpse […]

[Vox News] National Baby Food Week Edition

How many times have we gone grocery shopping and nonchalantly walked right by the aisle that houses baby food? For most, it’s a continual occurrence, but not this week, my friends!! With National baby Food week in our midst, it’s time we put the brakes on those shopping carts and take a pit stop between the condiment and candy aisles […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.19.09

Liturgy Good God, Creator of the world, draw us into prayer and celebration as we gather to remember the gifts of your earth and the stewardship you have entrusted to us as tillers and tenders in your image. We know that in the gathering of your people, power is present among us; your Holy Spirit stirs and moves and gives […]

[Vox News] National Farriers Week Edition

Are you confused? Do you know what a farrier is? Or should I say, WHO farriers are? Well, let me tell you!!! A farrier is is a specialist in equine hoof care, including the trimming and balancing of a horse’s hoof and the placing of shoes to the horse’s foot. (courtesy of Wikipedia). If you’re a farrier, we salute you […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.12.09

Liturgy Gracious God, make each of us an instrument of your grace. Weave us into a community showing forth your power and tenderness. Bless us and our differences and under gird our courage to stand together. We call on you today to gather us in your love. Lead us to better know you and glorify you on each step of […]