Author Archives: marcos


Gideon discusses how examination needs to be an active part of our lives. What does it mean to “examine our hearts”? Genesis 22:1-3.


Gideon walks us through how the “fast-food formula” for faith has led to disillusionment and shame. Instead, patience is the foundation of our faith. Genesis 12:1-5. Reflection: How has God been patient with you? In what ways can you be patient with God and others this week?

Theology of Work

John Chandler discusses what it means to be called. Reflection: What is it in you that you have to do? What is God doing this week and how can you participate?

Invitation: God’s Story

Weylin continues the conversation of Invitation from earlier in the spring and reflects on how we can share and invite other’s into God’s story. [Acts 17:22-31] Reflection: How can we listen to the stories of those around us? Who have we have assumed are closed to the story of God? How would you articulate the gospel and the story of […]

Everybody To Emmaus

Carrie Graham shares with us the experience of the two disciples who unknowingly encountered Christ on their way to Emmaus. [Luke 24:13-35] Reflection: How can we see Jesus in those around us and the circumstances we encounter? Who are the strangers that we need to extend hospitality to?

Lent – Repentance

Gideon continues in the season of Lent from the Lectionary and reflects on the significance of Palm Sunday. [Matthew 21:1-11] Reflection: How do we tend to respond to powerlessness in our lives? What are the areas of our lives that are driven by our consuming nature? How are we motivated to serve and act based only on personal gain?

Learning to Love Our Selves

Jason Minnix explores whether there is a difference between selfishness and self-care. [Matthew 22:36-40] Reflection: How have we overextended ourselves even in good things? How can we look for ways to practice self-care?