Author Archives: claudia

ZAMYN Celebration May 25

ZAMYN is having an end of the year party on Friday, May 25th @ 7pm at Space12. We are celebrating our graduates and saying a big thank you to our leaders and mentors. Students and their families, as well as mentors, are welcome to join in the festivities! [Photo by John Watson @ Flickr]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.04.29

Liturgy God of love, plant us in the soil of your grace. Nurture us with the strength of Christ, the vine of everlasting life. Enlighten us with the wisdom of your Spirit, which flows through us today and all days. Abide in us, that we may abide in you and live in your love. We pray in the name of […]

Community Prayers 2018.04.29

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … Tim and the voices who bring richness to our community. (Sarah) Being five years sober. (Erin) The birth of our daughter Iyla. (David) My new nephew. (David) My mother […]

Children’s Dedication [May 6]

Every Spring, we welcome the newest additions to our community, and celebrate their dedication to a God who is the creator and embodiment of unfailing and endless love. If you would like your child to be a part of the dedication, please let us know! Email for more info [Photo by Sayaka Minemura @ Flickr]

Community Prayers 2018.04.22

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … Our emotions as a way to know God more. (Jen M) Calling off my engagement last year and discovering this new sense of self-love that I had been neglecting […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2018.04.22

Liturgy We gather together in the presence of our Shepherd God, who calls us each by name, who restores our souls, who leads us in the way of righteousness, and whose goodness and love never stops pursuing us. You are our Shepherd. You provide everything we need. You let us rest in green meadows and lead us beside quiet streams. […]

Vox Midweek Group Connection Night [Apr 25]

Midweek groups provide an opportunity for the Vox community to live the church throughout the week and to facilitate our spiritual formation.  Each of these groups usually range from 6-10 people and meet on various nights of the week throughout the city.  Groups engage various expressions of Scripture and prayer and have access to a wide range of discussion guides put together […]