Author Archives: claudia

Community Prayers 2018.06.10

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … A good message today. (Terry) 17 years of marriage. (Coach) My co-worker coming back to work after his bike accident. (Daniel) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.06.10

Liturgy God, your mercy and love astounds us. We continually struggle to grasp the idea of unconditional love, all the while, asking to experience your love and grace more fully. Today, we offer our lives afresh. Enable us to see where you are active and to be used by you. When life is hard may we learn to praise you. […]


Gideon Tsang reflects on what it would look like to find a way to live that’s renewing [2 Corinthians 4:16-18]. Reflection What can you subtract this week to free up space for the renewing of your inner being? What interruptions can we embrace this season? Resources Film: I, Tonya Spiritual Practice Try subtracting something from your life.  What do you […]

Silence and Lament 2018.06.03

We are introducing a space of silence and lament during our liturgy occasionally, which takes the place of our normal prayers of the people. If you do have any prayers of thanks or request, you can always email [email protected]. Lament is the expression of grief and sorrow. This expression of our humanity has been shared among spiritual communities throughout the […]


Sarah Berson reflects on how being present helps us hear God [1 Samuel 3:1-10]. Reflection How do you build space for presence with yourself? With God? Who in your life can you depend on to help you hear God? Spiritual Practice Consider how you can create space for presence this week. Try to spend time in it every day. Consider scheduling […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.06.03

Liturgy Holy One, where I am, and where others are. You are also. As we gather and as others gather in different places, may we always feel you present and constant. Holy One, in our world, people are grieving, praying, and calling on you. Hear those voices, our voices, and our cries. Help us and be amongst us this morning. […]

Invitation to Dance

As we celebrate Trinity Sunday, Gideon Tsang explores how we participate in the Trinity and not just how we understand the Trinity [John 3:1-8]. Reflection What do you wonder about Trinity this morning? How can you welcome God’s movement for all things in your life this week? Resources MWG: Discussion Guide