Author Archives: claudia

A Beloved City

Virginia Cumberbatch and Gideon Tsang dialogue around what it would be like to see our city of Austin as a beloved community [Luke 3:15-17, 21-22]. Reflection How can we continue to ask questions about our city with intention and humility? How can we enter spaces of discomfort to form connection?

Community Prayers 2019.01.13

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … Our ability to grow in understanding that we may find our place and peace. (Weylin) The healing of my niece who fought off cancer. (Terry) God’s grace during this difficult time. (Jack) My great grandmother who turned 100. … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … A close family […]

Vox Grand Opening Liturgy [Jan 27]

On Sunday, January 27th, we will have our official grand opening liturgy to commemorate our community’s new home. We want to set aside this time to celebrate with and give thanks to all those individuals who made this next chapter possible. After liturgy, we’ll have lunch available for friends, family and our new neighbors. We hope you can join us […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2019.01.06

Liturgy Friends, sisters and brothers, welcome to this new and wonderful space. Welcome to all your new beginnings– a new year, a new home, a new perspective. Let us take a moment to acknowledge this space and time. This morning, let us welcome a brilliant, new understanding of God’s presence. Let us welcome all the ways God will show up […]

An Expansive Vision

As we start the new year with our first liturgy in our new building, Gideon Tsang invites us to consider how we might need to expand our spiritual vision to see love in ourselves and others  [Matthew 2:1-12]. Reflection What if God continued to expand our vision of love for ourselves and others? How can I welcome all parts of […]

Community Prayers 2019.01.06

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … The provision of our new space and the opportunity to welcome all, including ourselves. (Liz) My daughter who got a new job and is moving to Dubai. (Erin) A great employment opportunity for me and my family. (Ryan) Our newborn daughter who is a reminder of joy during a difficult time for our family. (Autumn) […]

Parking At Our New Space

Beginning on January 6th, we will be holding liturgy at our new home on 3106 East 14 1/2 St. Our new space has limited parking, so if possible, try to share rides or use an alternative set of wheels to get to Vox. For those that are driving, here are a few tips for parking on Sunday morning: Parking is […]