Author Archives: claudia

Community Prayers 2019.3.10

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … Today’s inspiring homily. (Terry) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … The ability to move beyond negotiating shame to finding love at the end of this season. (Liz) My niece who passed away from cancer and left behind two kids and a husband. (Terry) Ears to listen even […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.3.10

Liturgy Welcome, Vox family, to this sacred space and time. Let’s take a moment to pause and welcome the Spirit. If you entered with shame today, release it, for God does not define you by shame. If you entered with pain today, acknowledge it, for God cares about your pain. If you entered with fear today, welcome it, for God […]

Jesus’ Vulnerability

As we enter Lent, Matt Inman explores the temptations of Jesus and what that means for how we engage our own temptations and vulnerability this season [Luke 4:1-13]. Reflection What role does shame play in your current temptation? Where might your vulnerability in life right now lead you to acts of courage and love? Resources Podcast: Inefficiency Video: SNL – […]

Our Struggle for Hope

As we near the beginning of Lent, Gideon Tsang invites us to consider what we hope for in our maturity and transformation [2 Cor 3:12-18]. Reflection What are your hopes for Lent? Who allows you to be fully who you are when you are with them and what does that feel like? Resources Book: A Hidden Wholeness (Parker Palmer) Video: […]

Community Prayers 2019.3.3

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … The courage and mercy to get to know the roles we’ve played, and for transformation. (Sarah) My sister-in-law who had an MRI recently and it showed some abnormalities. For answers and healing. (Gaby) Severe health issues since my daughter’s birth. It’s […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 3.3.19

Liturgy When we gather, we know the Lord is here. The holy breath of the Spirit is breathed in you. You are created in that holy image, created wild and free. Your God delights in you the way you delight in the ones you love. Your glory is only hidden by fear. So welcome this time now to set aside […]

Baptism [May 5]

As our journeys of faith continue and unfold through the lives we live, there comes a time in the Christian tradition where we get the opportunity to lay down a mile marker signifying our faith in God and our desire to publicly convey our desire to live a Christ following life. In the Greek system, it is called Initiation, and in […]