Author Archives: claudia

Community Prayers 2019.4.21

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … The stories we get to live. Weylin The love and support of family and friends during this time. Rachel Our daughter’s baby who we found out is healthy. Joe … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … My friend Jane who passed away. And, for her family and husband […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.4.21

Liturgy God of healing and provision, You are attuned to us. You hear our voice. You see our face. You feel our feelings. So into this knowing we come this morning whether by the faith of our own or of a friend, we know you receive us into your presence. Soften in us our places of resistance. Bring forth our […]

Easter 2019

Easter is the celebratory end to Lent, our season of sacrifice and reflection leading to resurrection. We will celebrate the new life Jesus passes on to us with our first Easter Liturgy at Vesper on April 21st. Vesper is located at 3106 East 14 1/2 St. [Photo by John Watson @ Flickr]

Holy Week 2019

As the global Church has journeyed through this season of Lent, we find ourselves stepping into the heart of what defines the word Christian.  During the final week of Lent, we embark on what the Church has called ‘Holy Week’ where we remember, mourn and celebrate the life, death and eventual resurrection of Jesus. We will be practicing Maundy Thursday in […]

Community Prayers 2019.4.14

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … Our stories of conversion. (Carol) Healing and peace of mind as we journey with my sister who might have experienced a stroke. May she feel loved and comforted. (David) My uncle who took his life 20 years ago. And, for grace […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.4.14

Liturgy O Christ, you entered the city as a poor man not not in style but in simplicity, yet still you caused uproar, and raised questions everywhere; you drew the expectations of a hungry crowd, and brought buried conflicts to the light. May we, who are sometimes swayed by the crowd’s approval, and who often avoid conflict for fear of […]

Fetching Transformation

As we continue in the season of Lent, Jason Minnix invites us to reflect on what is bringing transformation into our lives right now [Luke 19:28-40]. Reflection What is bringing my transformation now? How am I being converted into gentleness? Resources Podcast: Hidden Brain – One Head, Two Brains Podcast: On Being (Jean Vanier) MWG: Discussion Guide Spiritual Practice Godly […]