Author Archives: claudia

Community Prayers 2019.5.5

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … My mom who recently asked for help finding a therapist. Madyson … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … My mom to follow through with the help she’s seeking. Madyson … let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy. [Photo by Matt Bower @ Flickr]

Familiar Change

Jason Minnix reflects on how we respond to change in our lives [John 21:1-14]. Reflection How can I wait in the familiar with patience and compassion? How are the fires of belonging calling me to forgive myself? Spiritual Practice Embracing the Familiar.  What do I turn to when things don’t go the way I want them to?  Wait in the […]

Child Dedication [June 2]

Every year, we welcome the newest additions to our community, and celebrate their dedication to a God who is the creator and embodiment of unfailing and endless love. If you would like your child to be a part of the dedication, please let us know! Email for more info [Photo by Analogueblues @ Flickr]

Community Prayers 2019.4.28

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … Today’s sermon and for being back at Vox after being in the hospital. Terry The friendship and community I’ve found after moving back to Austin and a job I enjoy at UT. Justin … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … Learning to grieve and forgive as a community. […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.4.28

Liturgy Holy God, give us the strength to be honest— to you, to ourselves, and to others. Give us the courage to lay down our insecurities— to trust that we are loved, that we need not want. Forgive us from our instincts to lash out— to hurt those by whom we feel threatened. Imbue us with the peace of Christ; […]


Gena Minnix reflects on how Jesus invites us into the process of forgiveness and what that looks like to practice [John 20:19-23]. Reflection What injury is currently disturbing my peace? This week, how might I practice consenting to the Spirit’s movement toward forgiveness within me? Resources Video: SNL – Astronaut Anne McClain Video: Mariachi and Tacos Party MWG: Discussion Guide […]

Resurrection and Meaning

As we celebrate Easter, Gideon Tsang invites us to consider what resurrection means for us and why we tell this story over and over [John 20:1-18]. Reflection Awakening begins while it is still dark. How can we be present and patient with our slow awakening? What does it look like to live out of abundance this week? Resources Video: Dax […]