Author Archives: claudia


Jason Minnix explores how we can attune to others in life-fostering ways [John 17:20-26]. Reflection How am I being invited to resonate more with myself, other people, and/or God? What does it look like to relax this week into a deeper story? Resources Documentary: Too Funny to Fail Movie: The Biggest Little Farm Spiritual Practice Practice Resonance.  What’s it like […]

Community Prayers 2019.5.26

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … All those who helped me and all the other graduates get to graduation. Matt Feeling better. Terry Gratitude for this safe space. … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … Us all to apply today’s homily when we encounter today’s difficult political environment. Joe … let us pray to […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.5.26

Liturgy Beloved family of God: our lives are carried like leaves on the current of our weeks. We arrive in this place burdened by so much that saturates us to the verge of sinking. Surround us, God of compassion. Reach into the waves, Son of Man, Fill us, Spirit of the Living God, Give us the patience to await calm. […]

Peace I Leave With You

Virginia Cumberbatch reflects on how God can use our anxiety to invite us into spaces of refuge, remembering and reconciliation [John 14:23-28]. Reflection Remember a time you experienced God’s comfort and care in the midst of anxiety? How might your anxiety serve as a path to spiritual formation this week? Resources Blog: Camille Styles – Advice from Women Married Over […]

Greenhouse Summer Volunteer Needs

Liturgy means the work of the people and every week an amazing group of volunteers steps up to help with the younger members of our community. Greenhouse is an extension of our liturgy for the kiddos at Vox. During the summer, our volunteer pool tends to shrink. If you are interested and available to help out this summer, please speak […]

Clean or Profane

Gideon Tsang reflects on how God is inviting us to clean our profane view of the other [Acts 11:1-18]. Reflection Who in your life is loving you into more expansive ways of seeing? Why do you think we are addicted to judging our distinctions? Spiritual Practice Commonality.  Think of someone who you see as less worthy.  What do you have […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.5.19

Liturgy Loving God, we gather as one people, yet we all come with different stories and lives this week. Some of us are struggling, some of us are thriving, yet we are all here to listen to you and to one another. Help us let go of our past, that we may turn toward you and live a life of […]