Author Archives: caroline

No Liturgy November 19, 2023

As our community gathers to rest and restore in Leakey, Texas November 17-19, there will be no Sunday liturgy at Vesper that weekend. We hope you can join us at our Fall retreat, otherwise, we will see you back at Vesper the following Sunday. [Photo Credit]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.10.29

Liturgy O Lord, how lovely it is to be your guest:the winds are sweet;the oaks reach to the skies;the waters like boundless mirrorsand the floating cloudsreflect the sun’s golden rays. Alleluia! We praise you Lord,for the glory of this morning,for the mercies that come with every daybreak. All nature murmurs mysteriously,breathing the depth of tenderness.Birds and beasts of our scraggy forestsbear the imprint […]

God Loves Every Part

What does a hug from God feel like? On this Fifth Sunday, Vanessa Maleare leads our entire community, including our younger ones from Greenhouse and Zamyn, in a moment of wonder. She reminds us that God loves us holistically, including our being, thoughts, and feelings. [Genesis 1:1-5, 26-27, 31] Reflection Which song or breath practice might you deepen? Where do […]

Time Change: Fall Back [Nov 5]

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back an hour this Saturday night (Nov 4) and enjoy that extra hour of sleep. We’ll see you this coming Sunday (Nov 6) at Vesper at 10:30am! (Photo by: Yugarya Goyal)

Theology of Making

Marcus Clarke, Resident Artist at Vesper, enters into a conversation with Weylin Lee exploring how art articulates and forms us along our spiritual journey, and encourages us to see our various callings as part of exercising our God given creativity. [Genesis 1:1-5, 26-27, 31] Reflection How are we invited to practice creativity and co-create with Creator? How might our practice […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.10.22

Liturgy In a world shadowed by cruelty, violence and loss, Is there good reason for the planting of flowers? Yes! For these bursts of color and beautiful blooms are bright dabs of grace, witnesses to a promise, reminders of a spreading beauty more eternal, and therefore stronger, than any evil, than any grief, than any injustice or violence. What is the source of their beauty?The forms […]

Homily Series: A Posture of Non-hierarchy

In our recent homily series, our teaching team reflected on some of our painful and complicated experiences with hierarchical structures in churches.  Many of us grew up in systems and structures that fostered patriarchy and celebrity culture.  Even Vox has not been immune from the impact and weight of hierarchy.  For the last few years, our leadership has been considering other […]