March 17, 2024

Upside Down Glory

Where have you seen systems of oppression benefiting from the glorification of suffering? On this fifth Sunday of Lent, Christopher Mack glimpses an Upside Down Glory of God that does not require the renouncing of our Divine Image; sets us in solidarity on a path of downward mobility, and that reveals the violence of othering and casting out. [John 12:23-32]


Are there deforming religious ideas of denying your humanity you are invited to name & renounce? 

What might it look like to embody a self-giving love that honors your personhood as well as others?

How might we become more aware of where our own impulse to cast ‘others’ out drives us?


  1. Book: The Wisdom Way of Knowing by Cynthia Bourgeault
  2. Exhibit: The Archaeology of Silence  by Kehinde Wiley at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston
  3. Film: X-Men: The Last Stand  Directed by Brett Ratner Written by Simon Kinberg & Zak Penn
  4. Book: Pleasure Activism by adrienne maree brown

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