March 31, 2020

Message from the Vox Partnerships Team

Grace to you, our beloved and much-missed Vox community!

As we collectively but separately navigate these incredibly difficult times, we want to acknowledge how different the needs of our community are at this time. Many, if not most of us, are experiencing a time of depletion and feelings of running on a deficit. Some may feel helpless, others empowered and energized to take action. With our full permission to take the time and space you all need to care for yourselves, we also wanted to provide some action points for those of us needing that right now. The partnerships team exists to empower our community to embody Vox’s values of participation and empathy, and we feel compelled to continue this work even in this unique season. 

1) Our local partner Posada Esperanza, who provides temporary housing to women and children escaping violence, is in need of volunteers to deliver groceries to families who are experiencing joblessness. Alternatively, some volunteers prefer a service like Insta-cart, which is fine. They are also asking for donations to their shelter of food, diapers, wipes, HEB giftcards, rice, masa, olive oil, and other basics that are currently difficult to come by. If a grocery pick-up and/or donation is something you are able to do right now, please email Anna at who works with these families to coordinate and she will give you more details. If you have any questions, you can email our team at

2) We wanted to remind everyone about our Good Neighbor Fund that’s available as a resource for those of us who know individuals in need of some immediate financial relief. Covenant members in our community can sponsor an individual through the application link on the Vox website, and our team will review it. Many of us know people who are financially hurting, and this resource is available to allow us to be good neighbors to each other. 

3) Many of us have already been using the Vox Facebook Community Forum  as way to grieve together, celebrate together, and express our needs with each other. If you haven’t connected there yet, please consider this your invitation to connect virtually with our community.

4) There are plenty of other ways to care and serve each other too, through prayer, giving blood, letters to people isolated in nursing facilities, offering to pick up groceries for elderly neighbors, sending letters to nursing home residents, and providing meals to health care workers. We know you all are actively embodying Christ’s love and care in your own circles, and creatively living into what it means to love and serve at this time as you’re able. 

As well as these opportunities, we also want to offer these chances to nurture and care for yourselves at this time. The following are some simple suggestions from local therapist Aga Crump: 

  • Practice 5 minutes of deep breathing (Make your exhale longer than your inhale to engage your parasympathetic nervous system!)
  • Take a walk around the block while engaging your 5 senses (What do you see, hear, smell, taste, feel?)
  • Practice mindful drinking/eating (brew yourself a cup of tea and slowly savor the smell and taste)
  • Call a friend (practice physical distancing rather than “social” distancing)
  • Watch a funny video/movie (Laughter helps regulate your nervous system!)
  • Have a dance party with your family (Movement is a great regulation tool, too!)
  • Drink a big glass of water (Hydrate your brain!)

We pray this finds you in a place of peace, and we look forward to the day where we can serve together again in person. 

With love,
The Vox Partnerships Team

[Photo by Margriet Zwarthoed @ Flickr]

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