This morning, as we gather in community,
may we notice you in the smallest of ways.
May we hear you in our breath,
in our movements, and in our songs.
May we see you in our rituals, in our
prayers, and in the bread and the wine.
May we find you in each other, in our
conversations, and in a handshake or a hug.
May we notice your loving presence
Throughout our day and our week.
In the name of
God, the Creator,
Christ, the Risen One,
and the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life.
Community Confession
We live among so many
distractions, even good ones.
We often don’t notice you.
Gracious God, extend us your quiet
and your stillness, so that we have
space to find you.
We are quick to rely only on ourselves,
To be consumed by our worries and our
problems. We often ignore you.
Compassionate God, grant us your peace.
Take our burdens and make them light.
Give us true rest on this Sabbath day,
that we may find calm in the midst of our
anxiety and joy in the midst of our pain.
We pray in the name
of our God,
the Son,
and the Holy Spirit,
Sermon and Reflection
Sermon Podcast 07.09.17 – Light Living
What does it look like to receive God’s gentleness this week?
How can your inherent worthiness free you from the burden of needing to be greater than you already are?
As you head for the door,
Pause. Look up.
May you find God smiling upon you,
as a parent smiles upon their child.
When your life this week gets hard,
Pause. Look up.
May you find a moment of holy stillness
and fresh resilience to carry on with your day.
And when you come back here next week,
Pause, and look around.
May you see the fullness of God’s great
work in these faces around you.
Go in the name of
God, the Creator,
Christ, the Risen One,
and the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life.
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by Tom W. @ Flickr]