July 3, 2016

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.03.2016


Most Holy Mystery, open our eyes, our ears,
and our hearts this morning to catch a glimpse
of God’s vision for our lives and all of creation;

to witness the presence of Christ in this place
and in one another; to feel the Spirit of God
moving around us, among us, and within us!

We are drawn together as a community to
give thanks, to be renewed, and to share
our lives that we might gain a glimpse of
your joyous life and join the dance of
Father, Spirit, and Son now and always.

This we pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

Father, you invite us in your divine word
to rest and trust in your sovereign care.

But we cling to control, we trust our worries
more than your word and we fill our minds,
homes and relationships with stress.
Father, forgive us, and help our unbelief.

Lord Jesus, you invite us in the gospel to find
rest for our souls in following you, but we prefer
being tied to our burdens, our ideologies,
refusing the easy load you promise.
Christ, forgive us, and help our unbelief.

Spirit of God, you have filled our hearts with
divine grace. You open our eyes to the glory
of the gospel, and offer us the peace of Christ.
Spirit of God, have mercy on us.

Help us in our unbelief and fill us with faith
in God’s word and the peace of Christ.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.


What might it mean for me to ‘show up’ this week?
In what ways do I feel a deeper longing for this kind of relation?


God, who created us in the
divine image, sends us forth:

We go, to reflect the presence of
our Creator to everyone we meet.

Jesus, who has redeemed us, has established
the reign of God in our midst: We go, to bring
healing to the broken of the world.

The Holy Spirit, who calls us to be God’s
People, goes with us to many places:

We go,to tear down the walls that divide us,
and to build lives of hope for all of God’s children.

Go into the week knowing our lives have
been touched by the triune God.

We are cleansed by the mercy of God.
We are surrounded by the love of Christ.
We are filled with the empathy of the Spirit.

This we pray, in the name of the triune God,

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Carmen Marchena @ Flickr]

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