As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy.
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For …
- A community that supports us (Hannah)
- My grandmother’s long, colorful, and adventurous life (SJ)
- My grandmother, who is in the hospital (Matt)
- Mr. Will, our neighbor passed away at 90, for a life well lived, and for Miss Joyce and the Darby family (James)
- Mobile Loaves and Fishes, and Vox for my new home (Becky)
… let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Prayers of Petition. For …
- My Sister in law Camille, who just lost her grandmother (Nicolas)
… let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
[Photo by Dan @ Flickr]