October 7, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 10.04.2015


Come with your questions, come with your awe, for the
God who broods over the chaos meets us in this place.

Come with your energy, come with your weariness, for the
God who breathes new life into the dust meets us in this place.

Come with your sadness, come with your joy, for the
God who dared to become human meets us in this place.

Living and faithful Spirit, the God in
whom we live and move and have our
being, the God who is made known in
Christ Jesus, bless us one and all as
we wait on you this day.

Please remove from our minds and hearts
whatever impediments hinder worship or
dampen our joy. Increase within us that holy
longing for closeness which can open our lives
to fuller delight and to a deeper commitment.

May our hymns and prayers, our searching
thoughts, and our hearing of the Scriptures,
be an exercise in humble and honest living.

By you, with you and for you,
may our lives publish your praise.

We ask and pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

Great and Holy God, we confess
that oftentimes we miss the mark.
We mess up. We fall short.

We disappoint ourselves or others
around us. Most of all, we have not
done all that you would have us do.

This is why we are here today:
for community that corrects and
inspires us, for worship that lifts
our spirits and above all, you,

for the urgent reminder of your grace that
abounds in our lives, for the peace that
enables us to embody your Spirit of peace.

In this time of worship,
O Living Lord, remake us.
In this time of worship,
O Holy Spirit, dwell within us.

Remind us of our calling to
love and serve. Grant us the
courage to be your people
through the Risen Christ, the
only One who sets us free.

We ask in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

What is your story of separateness and belonging?
How does our intimacy with God grow through way we love people?
What does it mean to tell a story of belonging as a community of grace?


Generous God, help us tell
the truth, but tell it slant.
Let our explanation of the hope
and joy we have found be kind.

This week, may we carry your reality
into our relationships with great love,
that it may dazzle gradually, lest it
make every person blind.

May we take a small risk this week
into the pool of community. Guide us
into your acceptance of where we are.

Patient Collaborator, stir up
a curiosity and meaningful
engagement at the edge of
our relationship with you.

That in time, we may be a
glimmer of hope as your people
and your church in the world.

We ask all this remembering
the Father,
the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Nicola Odemann @ Flickr]

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