Lord Jesus, your presence comes to us
in unexpected places, in a crowded room,
in a journey on a dusty road, in conversation,
in the stillness….
You make yourself known in the midst
of our doubts, our fears, our sorrows.
You come in the power of the resurrection,
and no pain and suffering is unknown to you.
You bring us peace,
and we pray for places
where there is no peace.
Countries torn by war,
refugees seeking homes.
You bring peace, peace in the tensions and
conflicts within us, to the regrets, the failures,
the broken relationships, the lost friendships.
You bring peace, for you are a friend to us.
When we are alone, when we are lonely,
Unseen you are there.
You bring us peace, and for that,
we pray that we too may learn
to become peacemakers.
We ask in the name
of the Father,
of the Risen Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
Community Confession
Merciful God, we confess how easy it is
for us to begin to adopt the attitudes
and actions of the world around us;
to let our lives be shaped only by
culture rather than by your call.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear and forgive.
We confess how often we
think of our own interests first—
more concerned with our own status
than with the well-being of others.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear and forgive.
We confess that we have not always treated one another
as valued members of your Body, the Church; that we
have allowed intolerance and resentment to tear us apart.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear and forgive.
We confess that we do not always acknowledge you as Lord,
trusting in our own abilities and following our own goals
rather than submitting ourselves to your will and your call.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear and forgive.
Through the power of your Holy Spirit, transform us.
Change us from within, so that our words and our lives
would bring honor and glory to you, our Savior and Lord.
Sermon and Reflection
Sermon Podcast 4.26.15 – The Two Firsts
Creator God, may your peace go with
us wherever we will be this day. May you
guide us through challenges, protect us
when in need and inspire us with your love.
May we acknowledge your presence in all the
human goodness we will see, to look with mercy,
to listen with humility, and to act with a grace
that transcends human understanding.
May you bring us home rejoicing
to our place of rest this night.
Creator God, we now go into this day
praising the name of the Father,
of the Risen Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.