April 5, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.05.2015


Resurrection starts
with the cry of grief,
an empty place,
a familiar voice.

It’s tiny…like the
fingers of a newborn.
Seemingly insignificant…
like the grain that lands
in the clam’s open mouth.
‘Often overlooked… like
the leaf bud on the tree.

Christ has risen.
Waiting for us to take notice.
Christ has risen.
Waiting for us to respond.
Christ has risen.
Christ has risen indeed!

Community Confession

God, we are blind, but you open our eyes, to see
your glory revealed through your Son, Jesus Christ,
Who died and rose again to lead us into life.

God, we are deaf, but you unstop our ears,
To hear the power of your resurrection story,
Once we were dead but now in Christ we are alive.

God, we are ignorant and foolish,
but you set free our tongues, to rejoice
and sing with all the hosts of heaven,

Holy, holy, holy is the one
who transfigures our world
with the Spirit of life,

Holy, holy holy is the one
who redeems and makes
whole all who respond,

Holy, holy holy is the one
in whose light we see that
all creation will be made new.

We worship the risen King of kings,
praising the name of the Father,
of the Resurrected Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 4.05.15 – Easter

How do we respond when we or others cry? How do we distract ourselves from crying?
What is our tendency to ask of God when we are afraid?
How can we embrace our true self and acknowledge and seek the help that we need?


In the dark of the early morning,
It descended.
The very breath of God.

Dawn approached.
The Spirit filled the lungs of our fallen King,
And his heart began to beat anew.

At the rising of the sun,
He awoke. He opened his eyes.
He smiled. He rose.


They say the tomb was empty,
But we know otherwise.

Sorrow and mourning. Left behind.
Fear and shame. Left behind.
Sin and death. Left behind.
Our old ways and our old selves. Left behind.

Forever entombed by Christ the Son.
He who has conquered the grave.
He who is risen. He who reigns.

So go forth this day and always,
proclaiming the love of our Father,
of the Risen Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Marine Beccarelli @ Flickr]

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