Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Ps 100
As a community blessed with abundance, it is appropriate for us to take a day to remember gratitude for God’s gifts in life. As we do, we must remember those who came before. Personally, we need to give thanks for our parents and grandparents. As a nation we must also remember the forefathers whose land we reside on, Native Americans. Native Americans in our country have long been pushed to the periphery and forgotten. As we celebrate God’s gifts today, let us move them from the margins to the center. Take time to celebrate the beauty, art, and culture of these true Americans. Here you can find the beautiful collection of photographs from Edward S. Curtis in the Library of Congress. Today, as we break bread, remember those who came before, thanks be to God.
[Photo by Edward S. Curtis]