February 4, 2010

[Vox News] Doppelganger Week Edition

Although not a nationally recognized holiday, Doppelganger Week is slowly becoming the greatest internet fad to hit cyberspace since the Numa Numa dance and Chris Crocker’s plea to ‘Leave Britney Alone’. But on a scale of 1 to 10, where would Doppelganger week rank? I guess it all depends on the luck of the draw. For your viewing pleasure, here are a few scenarios for you to decide where it lands on this scale:

Scenario 1:
You’re walking down the street, and all eyes seem to be following your every move. As you step into the nearest Starbucks and order your extra hot half-caf soy mocha cappuccino with extra foam and a splash of enema, you begin to hear murmurs from other patrons. You begin to wonder if people are impressed with your drink ordering capabilities, but upon closer inspection, you discover the murmurs are caused by your uncanny resemblance to Taylor Lautner. And who can blame them, as you sip on your beverage wearing nothing but pants and showing off your washboard abs and freshly shorn chest.

VERDICT: Doppelganger Success. 10 out of 10.

Scenario 2:
You’re camped out at the public library, reading the latest literary offering from J.K. Rowlings entitled ‘Harry Potter and the Unemployment Line of Despair’, which details the post-pubescent escapades of our favorite wizard while wrestling with everyday human challenges. Just as you reach the juicy bits of this heavenly masterpiece, you catch a glimpse of a pack of giggling school girls taking turns staring as if they were a walking, talking human whack-a-mole game. After several awkward moments of eye contact, the herd moseys over to you and offers their inquiry: ‘Excuse me, but are you The Situation from Jersey Shore?’ To which you reply ‘No, these are not abs, but unfortunately placed rolls in my belly fat. But thanks for asking!!’

VERDICT: Doppelganger Fail. -12 out of 10.

Tread wisely, my friends.

[Sunday Liturgy]
As the saying goes, When in Rome, do as the Romans do. How did the Romans live? How did the church connect to its surroundings? Why did Paul address specific issues that he did? As this letter changed Rome and greats such as Augustine and Luther, may it change us and our city. Join us as we continue our conversation through the epic letter of Romans. Our Sunday Liturgy is at 11:00 AM at Space 12 (3121 East 12th Street).

[Global Updates]
By now, all of you have probably heard of the heart breaking devastation that happened in Haiti. We mourn the loss of life and pray for healing and redemption to move into this country that has been ravaged by war and natural disaster. If you are interested in finding out more about the needs in Haiti and how you can help, check out the resources found here. And for more details on other global partnerships, visit the website for update, as well as finding out how you can be involved.

[Greenhouse Needs You]
We’re looking for people to help teach the next generation at Vox. So if you love hanging out kids, reading stories, doing crafts, or love hearing the funniest things come out of kids’ mouths, then Greenhouse is the place for you.

Nursery: 0-3 years
Seedlings: Pre-K to 2nd Grade
Roots: 3rd Grade and up

There’s a wide range of commitment levels so contact Rachel for more info and to get involved. And be sure to check out the video promo.

[Spring Neighborhoods]
Spring Neighborhoods is in full swing, friends!! We would love to invite everyone to plug into a neighborhood this year and live the church with those around you. Our neighborhoods will be organized by geography, so whatever part of town you live, we have a group for you!! Check out the map to see when and where each neighborhood group meets.

MidTown – Wednesdays, 7pm
Central – Sundays, 1pm
South – Tuesdays, 7pm
East (Wed) – Wednesdays, 7pm
East (Sat) – Saturdays, 10:30am

Any question? Check out the website, map or email us.

[Lost and Found]
No, we’re not referring to the band whose song ‘Lions’ features the slinky as a percussion instrument. We’re referring to the bin of unclaimed goodies and homeless artifacts located next to the water cooler by the bar at Space12. If you think you may have left something at Space12, chances are it’s been put into the lost and found bin. At the end of each month, we plan on donating the contents of the lost and found bin, so please check to make sure you haven’t misplaced anything you don’t mind passing along to those who can use it.

[Care Communities Art Show]
The Care Communities will be having their 2nd Annual Care Partner Art Show. This event fathers works by Austinites living with AIDS and Cancer that display the amazing inspiration that they have drawn from their life experiences. So join us next Friday, Feb 5th from 6pm-9pm and experience this uniquely beautiful opportunity. For more information, please see the facebook event.

[Getting Involved with Vox]
Have you always wanted to get more involved with Vox but haven’t known how? Do you have a passion or vision for something that Vox isn’t currently involved in? If you answered YES to either of these questions, then this is for you!! We would love to help you get more involved with what’s happening in the Vox community, as well as come along side your passion and vision to help it leave the dream realm and give it life. If this at all interests you, please let us know by sending us an email.

[Online Giving]
We’ve always wanted to exercise generosity by giving out as much as we can to those around us who are in need. If you would like to partner financially with Vox in this mission, we have several options for you.

1. Bill Pay through own bank.
2. EFT signup is available online.
3. credit card through google checkout.
4. snail mail

For more information, please click here.

You might be wondering what this acronym stands for. Well, allow me to spill the beans!! WYOMP stands for ‘Wash Your Own Mugs, Please ‘. One of the new perks of having our liturgy at Space12 is the plethora of mugs and drinking utensils at our disposal. Unfortunately, when the liturgy is over and the snacks are all consumed, the once clean cups are left dirty and all alone in the sink. If you could, after you have finished enjoying the delightful snacks and beverages, please lend a hand with washing the mugs and drinkware. That would be greatly appreciated.

[Won’t You Be My Friend?]
Hi, my name is Vox Veniae, and this is my cousin Space 12. I’m 4 years old, and Space just turned one a little while ago. We’re very friendly, housebroken and love our bellies rubbed. We would like to be friends with you!! We promise to not Zombie bite you, nor will we ask you to join our kingdom. We just want to be your friend because that will make us happy. Click here to add Vox as a friend and here to add Space12 as a friend.

[Rides to Vox]
If you live on campus and are in need of a ride on Sunday morning to join us for Liturgy, please email us and we’ll hook you up. If you could send an email by 11pm on Friday, that would be greatly appreciated.

[Photo by Mark Klotz @ Flickr]

This post needs your thoughts.