February 23, 2010

Reading List

Last week, as we finished our conversation through Paul’s letter to the Romans, we discussed Paul’s reference to the Roman community as, “complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another” (15:14). The word complete was often used in the ancient world as a sailing term, whenever the wind would fill (complete) the sail and propel the boat towards the open seas. In the same way, our hope is to become a community where our knowledge propels us to where God is moving in the world. Here are a list of resources that might be helpful in propelling us in mission:

The Story of Christianity
by Justo Gonzalez

An Introduction to the New Testament
by Carson and Moo

The Portable Seminary
by David Horton

Compassion, Justice and the Christian Life
by Robert Rupton

Life Together
by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

by Michael Frost

The Forgotten Ways
by Alan Hirsch

Faith Works
by Jim Wallis

The Gospel in a Pluralist Society
by Lesslie Newbigin

Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger
by Ronald Sider

Resident Aliens
by Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon

Mere Discipleship
by Lee Camp

Jesus the Savior
by William Placher

[Photo by Kalmar Zoltan @ Flickr]

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