It’s a bug’s life, y’all!! With the weather turning nice and the July 4th weekend coming up, there’s nothing better than turning our eyes and minds to the creepy crawly critters that like to bite our bodies and steal our food. If you see an Ant or Mosquito this weekend, give them a thumbs up for doing what they do best, but gently and kindly urge them to do their business elsewhere. It’s all about peace, my babies!!
[Sunday Liturgy]
Our Sunday Liturgy is at 11:00 AM at Space 12 (3121 East 12th Street). Join us as we continue our journey through the church calendar known fondly around the world as the Lectionary.
[Lunch Signup]
Since so much happens when people gather together for a meal, we wanted to provide the Vox community an opportunity to share a meal together after our Sunday Liturgy.
For this Sunday, we will be ordering pizza from East Side Pies. For $5, you will get 2 slices of pizza and all the friendship you can handle. If you’re interested in sticking around for lunch, follow this link to put your name on the list.
[Summer Hoods]
This summer, our neighborhood groups will be meeting by life stage (Students/Professionals, Marrieds, and Families). So plug into the appropriate group during the week and get a chance to talk and interact with people who are dealing with similar challenges. Email us for more info or check out our map for locations of each group.
[Liturgy Logistics at Space 12]
As we make our transition in becoming the newest tenants in Space 12, there are a few logistics we wanted to pass along.
1. Being a Good Neighbor
We want to encourage everyone to be mindful of the surrounding neighborhood. As tenants of this new space, we are surrounded by families and individuals who have called this section of East Austin home for dozens of years, if not generations. Let us be aware of our actions and try our best to be as good a neighbor as we can to the community.
2. Carpool/Biking Encouraged
One of the challenges we will be facing/addressing is enough parking for the Vox community. To help alleviate this, we encourage you all to try carpooling or biking to Space 12.
3. Space 12 Parking
We are anticipating a very full parking lot most Sunday mornings, and we will do our best to accommodate as may car as possible. There will be people on site to direct the parking traffic so as to best utilize the space.
When the Space 12 lot becomes full, there will also be off-site parking available on 13th St (between McKinley and Airport) and Oakgrove Ave (off of 12th).
For a map of all the available parking options during the Sunday Liturgy, it can be downloaded here.
[Calling All Drivers!!]
One of our own, Becky Hwang, has been getting rides every Sunday to join us for our Liturgy. We are in the process of trying to find more people to help pick her up from her trailer and bring her to Space 12. If you have a car and are willing to serve Becky by picking her up in the morning, please send an email to Emily, our Local Partnerships coordinator.
[Dance Dance Revolution]
For the next few weeks, there will be a free ballet/hip-hop dance class held at Space 12 from 10am-12pm. It is open to ages 4-12, so if you know any kids in that age range, have them come check it out! Any questions, please email us.
[Will You Be My Friend?]
Hi, my name is Vox Veniae. I’m 3 years old, very friendly, and housebroken. I would like to be friends with you!! I promise to not Zombie bite you, nor will I ask you to join my kingdom. I just want to be your friend because that will make me happy. To add me as your friend, click here.
[BYOM – Bring Your Own Mug]
Because food is such a great catalyst for community, we plan to have delectable edibles and drinkables available every Sunday morning during our liturgies. Although it would be easy to buy disposable cups for the drinks, we want to be an environmentally conscious community and ask that everyone bring their own mug. This way, you’ll not only feel more at home, but we can all do our part in reducing unnecessary waste.
[Rides to Vox]
If you live on campus and are in need of a ride on Sunday morning to join us for Liturgy, please email us and we’ll hook you up. If you could send an email by 11pm on Friday, that would be greatly appreciated.
[Photo by myelectricsheep @ Flickr]