God sovereign and generous,
who commands the rise and fall of the nations,
who calls and has chosen many peoples,
who weeps when they harm each other,
who haunts every local culture — including ours —
with your will for well-being,
who draws close to the powerless and
surprises with power via weakness…
You are the one whom we praise in astonishment,
we adore in gladness,
we thank in gratitude…
for who you are,
for what you do,
for how you hope.
Look with mercy on us this day,
on your church which we serve and love,
on all the people in our thoughts,
on all the communities so fragile in which
we are embedded.
Look with your mercy, and we will obey you all the day long.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Amen.
Do you take God’s grace for granted?
How can you avoid faith procrastination?
How do you respond to hardship? Why do you respond the way you do?
What does keeping your heart open look like this week?
Go now into the world, strengthened by the gifts
with which Christ has fed you.
Be generous to others, for Christ has given extravagantly.
Live by God’s word, avoiding lies and violence.
Walk in God’s paths and never stray.
And may God’s wonderful love be with you everywhere;
May you feed and care for those around you as
Christ Jesus feeds and cares for you with his body and word;
And may the Holy Spirit confirm the truth in you
and fill you with God’s presence always.
We go in peace to love and serve in the name of
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go and live the church. See you throughout the week.
[Photo by Fa.bian @ Flickr]