Loving God, let there be:
A way of walking that harms not the earth,
A way of having that leaves plenty for others,
A time for tears that dissolves grief,
A time for kindness that heals many wounds,
A path of peacemaking that settles strife,
A path of justice-seeking that creates hope.
Loving God, let there be:
A season of faithfulness,
A promise of eternity,
A way to be living,
A song for singing.
To follow your Son as he so lived,
to give as he so generously gave.
What does being God’s child mean to you?
In what ways did you experience God’s fathering love this last year?
What does it look like to follow Christ in the coming year?
We are witnesses of the dawning of that great light come into the world
Immanuel, God with us.
May we depart from this gathering with our faces set on the Son,
That our lives may serve as a reflection of God’s light in the midst of our darkness,
That our very lives may announce the advent of the Messiah
Go in peace and live the church.