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Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.3.26

Liturgy Welcome to this community that is gathering this morning. You are invited to bring all the messiness in your life.Your confusion, your unease, your uncertainty;all of who you are is welcome to participate. God, will you help us soften our resistance?Will you help us release our desire for controljust a little more this morning? You are invited to bring […]

Welcoming Discomfort

During this season of Lent, Weylin Lee reflects on how we are invited to welcome discomfort as we reflect on Jesus’ journey towards death [John 12:1-11]. Reflection How are you invited into the vulnerability of practicing or receiving extravagant love? What is your invitation to practice sabbatical year rhythms that center around the poor? Practice Be vulnerable in extravagant love. […]

All Rise

Christopher Mack reflects on how resurrection hope invites us towards the redemption of our world and partnership with God through an embodied life [1 Corinthians 15:12-20]. Reflection How have you been longing for transformation or groaning against injustice this week? How does Jesus’ embodied life challenge you to see the image of God anew in creation, community, or in your […]


Naomi Jackson reflects on how Jesus’ interaction with his disciples after resurrection invites us to our own experience of restoration [Luke 24:36-48]. Reflection How do we see the marks of death we see in ourselves? And how have they been transformed? How do you need to reintroduce yourself to your community? Where do you need to experience restoration?

Practice Resurrection

As we celebrate Easter, Gideon Tsang talks about what it means to be an active participant instead of a passive recipient in how we live out resurrection [Luke 24:1-9]. Reflection How do we engage in relentless curiosity in our journey of faith? What is the fear in our lives that we can come together to engage? What are the areas […]


Chris Morton speaks about our identity in Christ and what it means to practice resurrection in our lives. [Ephesians 1:15-23] Reflection: What parts of our identity do we need to leave behind in order to claim our new identity and inheritance? How can we help those inside and outside our community begin to expect resurrection? Where, in our lives and […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.31.13

Liturgy Break the box and shed the nard; Stop not now to count the cost; Hither bring pearl, opal, sard; Reck not what the poor have lost; Upon Christ throw all away: Know ye, this is Easter Day. Build His church and deck His shrine; Empty though it be on earth; Ye have kept your choicest wine – Let it […]

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