Stories tagged:

Learning Love

Jason Minnix reflects on how we are when it comes to loving people [Luke 10:25-37]. Reflection Where do I sense empty love in my attempts to care for others? How can I receive mercy in those places? Where am I waking up to love’s invitation now? Spiritual Practice Empty Love.  Where do I sense empty love in my attempts to […]

The Gift of Presence

For Pentecost Sunday, Weylin Lee explores why God’s spirit and presence is a meaningful gift for us [John 14:8-17]. Reflection How can you practice becoming more aware of God’s presence in your life today? What does it mean for you to embody God’s Spirit and be a gift of presence to others? Resources Book: Practicing the Presence of God (Brother […]


Weylin Lee reflects on the areas of discomfort that we are being invited to explore in our movement towards experiencing restoration and rest [Psalm 23]. Reflection How can we adopt more of a posture of willingness instead of willfulness to allow ourselves to let go of control? What patterns need to be disrupted in order for our soul to be […]

Resurrection and Meaning

As we celebrate Easter, Gideon Tsang invites us to consider what resurrection means for us and why we tell this story over and over [John 20:1-18]. Reflection Awakening begins while it is still dark. How can we be present and patient with our slow awakening? What does it look like to live out of abundance this week? Resources Video: Dax […]

Embracing Needs

As we continue in the season of Lent, Liz Schepel invites us to explore and embrace our needs that we sometimes push aside [Psalm 63]. Reflection What emotion has been dominant in your life?  What personal need might be at the root of those feelings? What do you tend to put ahead of your own needs? In what ways can […]

Hens and Chicks

As we continue in the season of Lent, Jason Minnix explores the role of permission in our journey and reflects on the ways we may have been stuck in our faith [Luke 13:31-35]. Reflection Who have I given permission to love me? Where does my trust need healing today? How am I being invited in a gathering love? Resources Video: […]

Turning Our Hearts

Kelly Cutbirth reflects on how it’s easy to lose heart and our connection with who we really are, and invites us to look at what it means to turn our hearts towards God and reconnect. [Jeremiah 17] Reflection How are we hiding our hearts from ourselves, God, and each other? When was the last time your heart felt nourished by […]