Stories tagged:

Liturgy: Doxology

As we begin our fall vision series on our rhythms of liturgy, Gideon Tsang reflects on how we know God and why love is the deepest form of knowing [1 John 4:7-12]. Reflection: What images come to mind when you think of God? How does the act of loving help you understand God? Resources: MWG: Discussion Guide

Practicing Mercy

Weylin Lee reflects on an encounter that Jesus has with a foreign woman and how that brings awareness to what limits and facilitates mercy [Matthew 15:10-28]. Reflection: In what ways can we withhold evaluation and judgment in order to practice mercy more freely? What might be some of our cultural blindspots that hinder our ability to practice mercy? Resources: Book: […]

Mirrored Healing

Gideon Tsang speaks about how we see ourselves, God, and our healing [Matthew 18:15-35]. Reflection: Who has permission in our lives to help us see what we can’t see? How does that feel to know that God’s love and forgiveness is limitless? Resources: Podcast: This American Life -Fear and Loathing in Homer and Rockville Book: Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg […]

Compassionate Giving

Jason Minnix reflects on why it’s so complex to give to others and how we might give in free and compassionate ways [Matthew 6:1-4]. Reflection: Is my giving motivated by compassion or by guilt, shame and/or fear? How can I receive compassion today from others, myself, and God when I don’t have much to give? Resources: MWG: Homily Discussion Guide

Receiving Others

Jason Minnix reflects on how Jesus listens to our lives with empathy and how we receive insights about ourselves through others [Mark 10:17-22]. Reflection: How can I bring my giving out of places of guilt, shame and fear into the light of compassion? What does compassion look like for the feelings and needs of someone I’ve been struggling with? Resources: […]

Being Good Guests

Matt Inman reflects on who we direct our compassion towards and how we sometimes get in the way of living it out [Matthew 10:5-16]. Reflection Where do you over-complicate your life and love by carrying around extra “equipment”? What is one small, humble act that would exercise your compassion and put you in the position of being a good guest? […]


Gideon Tsang talks about the way we interact with community and how we might do it in a way that creates gratitude and joy [Philippians 1:3-9]. Reflection: What would it look like to participate in sharing your beauty in community? Who’s a safe person you can share a face plant story with this week? Resources: Video: Kids Kissing Podcast: On […]