Stories tagged:

Recovery as a Path

What do we do when we’re struggling with addiction in our own life or a loved one’s ? Lilly Ettinger and Joe Arenella bravely share about their own recovery journeys and how they have experienced hope and life, even in the most challenging of circumstances. [Psalm 116:1-6] Reflection What is your cry to the Divine? Where might you seek reconciliation […]

Behold and Beheld

What step of hope might we take together? Christopher Mack retraces the steps of Mary Magdalene through trauma and isolation to renewal and belonging. [John 20:1-18] Reflection What part of your human experience do you need to know God, in Jesus, experiences alongside you? How is what you are willing to see impacting how you live? What does bearing witness […]


Liturgy It is early on the first day of the week, oh GodAnd it is dark.We arrive at the tombOf all our hopes and dreams.Our lives have not unfolded as we expected.You have not spared us from the hard end.We stand alone, grieving. We lift up our eyesAnd see the unexpected.The stone is rolled away.We feel a rush of anxiety […]

Daring Disruption

How might we foster hope among so much grief and cyclical injustice in the world? Christopher Mack begins this season of Advent slowing down to glimpse with the prophet Isaiah, a word that might remake our world. [Isaiah 2:1-5] Reflection What ruts of routine or quicksands of status quo are constraining your life or world? How might you move in […]

Cultivating the Common Good

What is our communal interpretation and incarnation of the life of Jesus? Christopher Mack continues our series on Participation by reflecting on how we might navigate enduring hopelessness with our beloved belonging and collective creativity. [1 Corinthians 12:1-3, 27-31 and Jeremiah 32:17] Reflection Is there someplace you have been silent where you can begin praying for wisdom on how to […]

All Rise

Christopher Mack reflects on how resurrection hope invites us towards the redemption of our world and partnership with God through an embodied life [1 Corinthians 15:12-20]. Reflection How have you been longing for transformation or groaning against injustice this week? How does Jesus’ embodied life challenge you to see the image of God anew in creation, community, or in your […]

What Does it Mean to Be Shaken?

As we enter the season of Advent, Gena St. David reflects on what is helpful for us to keep in mind and remember when things are being shaken loose inside us and how we can help one another hold onto hope [Luke 21:25-36]. Reflection What is being shaken loose inside you this advent season? How are you experiencing Christ in […]