Stories tagged:

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.06.2016

Liturgy We believe in God whose essence is love: seeking, holding, challenging, creating in us. We see God in the gentle touch of a friend, in the hospitality of strangers, on streets and shopping centers, tenements and parks; We believe that God holds our world in love. We believe in Jesus whose essence is life: living, laughing, loving, winning our […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.21.2016

Liturgy The table of Jesus is our place of gathering. Here, you are welcomed, wanted, loved. Here, there is a place set for you. So come all you who are hungry, all you who hunger for the bread of life, all you whose souls cry out for healing. Come all you who are weary, all you who are bowed down […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.14.2016

Liturgy Christ Jesus, may we follow you on the pilgrim way of Lent. May we journey with you into the wilderness, willing to move beyond the ordinary, so that we can discover your unexpected sacred places in our world. Christ Jesus, may we wash our hands and purify our hearts, learning to thirst after righteousness and hunger after justice. May […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.07.2016

Liturgy We follow you, Jesus, today as we worship; in words of love and devotion sung and spoken, in service and kindness, in shared life and sacred meal. And all we need do to follow you as we leave this place is to continue saying and doing – to others – what we bring to you in this hour. And […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.31.2016

Liturgy Gracious God, into the shadows of our isolation you speak words of life and community. You challenge the lives we lead, and you call us away from places we try to call home to lead us more deeply into the world you love. With your gentle, healing touch you redeem the broken fragments in our lives, and you heal […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.24.2016

Liturgy The image you have shaped within us, mysteriously, incredibly, a reflection of your own Being, Is best seen in the multiple refractions, of our variegated humanity; in the prismatic kaleidoscopes, of our shared life, our interconnectedness, our being with each other. We seek you, God, we long for you and, thankfully, you are not far off not hidden; We […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.17.2016

Liturgy Traveling God, we journey with you together in faith: sometimes with confidence and hope, sometimes with faltering steps; from places of clarity to the shadows of mystery; never still, never certain but ever-changing and growing; never quite knowing what the future might bring, but trusting that you hold us in love, we thank you for your merciful presence. Traveling […]