Author Archives: wolfgang

Vox Creatives Potluck [Mar 28]

Save the Date: Our new group, Vox Creatives, will hold their first potluck on Saturday, March 28 at 6pm. Location is TBA! Vox Creatives is a home for the creative community of Vox Veniae. All creatives and disciplines welcome – visual art, music, film, written/spoken word, commercial, etc. We’ll share opportunities to create, engage, and support one another as a […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.08.2015

Liturgy Who is this who enters the doors of our temple, who overturns the tables, strews silver and gold on the floor, frees the sacrificial doves from gilded cages? Listen, as they rise, the beating of their wings is a song of loud hosanna. It is Jesus of Galilee, the Son of God, who comes to cleanse the great temple, […]

Community Prayers 03.08.15

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … Jason’s sister, Emily, visiting this week and her upcoming graduation (Gena) 18th wedding anniversary with my husband Brandon (Kirsten) Admission & funding for graduate school (Melissa) … let us […]

Foundation for the Homeless [Apr 13 & 14]

We at Vox are volunteering with the Foundation for the Homeless’ Family Promise – Interfaith Hospitality Network shelter program (IHN) on April 13 & 14. Volunteers are needed to bring dinner for three to four families, hang out with the families and help clean up after dinner, and stay overnight as the church’s host. Midweek groups are encouraged to sign up together. To […]

Community Prayers 03.01.15

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … The stories in our community (Gideon) A friend called to God, His presence in their life (Samuel) My old roommate Darryl, who passed away this week, and his presence […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.01.2015

Liturgy We gather today, O Lord of Life, seeking fullness. Not the fullness our world offers, but fullness that comes from you. We spend so much of our lives on things that do not count. Things that promise much and give little. Help us now…today, to find fulfillment in your love, may we discover all you have to give, And […]

Zilker Kite Festival [Mar 1]

This Sunday is the Zilker Kite Festival in Austin! This event will replace our usual post-liturgy lunch (there will be food trucks at the park). Grab a kite and enjoy Austin’s unofficial kickoff to the spring season. Josh Hostetler & Natasha Dahanayake are hosting a group from Vox. Kite Festival Details Email Josh Hostetler [Photo by Matt Lief Anderson @ Flickr]