November 2, 2014

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 11.02.2014


Teach us the courage, O God, to turn
from what seems so natural, so safe:
the way of grasping power,
and befriending the powerful,
in the hope of protection and security.

Teach us the humility, O God, to turn
from what is so enticing, so persuasive:
the way of accumulating things,
and trusting in wealth,
in the hope of comfort and life.

Lead us, O God, in another way,
the way of true security, true wealth,
the way of Christ, the servant,
the way of weakness and simplicity.

Lead us, O God, in another way,
the way of caring for the neglected,
feeding the hungry,
housing the homeless,
protecting the threatened,
and challenging the powerful,
the foolish way of the Gospel,
that brings salvation to all.

We ask in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

Lord God, help us lead lives worthy
of the calling and work
you have given each of us.

We can not do this alone,
we dare not try this alone,
so we gather as your church, oh God.

Enable us to lead lives worthy of your Son’s sacrifice,
a life filled with service and meekness.

We come to build up Christ’s body,
in humility and gentleness,
with patience and love.

Strengthen us to lead lives which reflect your calling,
that life of peace grounded in the Spirit.

We rejoice in our oneness in Christ,
and freely share the grace offered to us.

We gather as God’s family to work and pray
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.


What is the struggle that we’re involved in currently? What fruit is going to come of it?
What is your agenda in being part of community? What is our agenda as a church to the city of Austin?


Go now, in the freedom of the gospel of Christ.
Encourage one another daily to lead lives worthy of God
and, walk together in service and humility.
Let your words and your lives be one in Christ.

And may the God of lasting love open the way before you;
May Jesus the Messiah, be your one instructor;
And may the Holy Spirit lead you on
into the promised land of God’s kingdom and glory.

Depart this week and every week,
worshipping the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by new legs @ Flickr]

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