Photo by Randy P. Martin @ Flickr

June 29, 2014

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.29.14


Traveling God,
we journey with you together in faith:
sometimes with confidence and hope,
sometimes with faltering steps;

from places of clarity
to the shadows of mystery;
never still, never certain
but ever-changing and growing;

never quite knowing what the future might bring,
but trusting that you hold us in love,
we thank you for your merciful presence.

Traveling God,
journey with us:
be our path and our destination.

In the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, we pray.

Community Confession

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

This is a moment given by God to confess our sins
against each other, all that God has created, and God.

Let us take this moment to account
for the ways in which we have not embodied
what it means to be created in the image of God.

Holy God, we confess that too often we have not been open
to the rhythms of life you offer to us.
We let ourselves be put off your pace
and allow ourselves to wander off into our own songs.

Too often the melodies of the world confuse us.
We have led ourselves and others to paths
that are not according to your loving pace and direction.

Help us pay attention with all of our senses.
Make our dancing faithful;
help us take the risks that are part of letting you lead.

Pull us back into your rhythms.
Clean our hearts, purify our hands and steady our feet
that we might know and share your blessings.

God of Hosts, you assure us that if we trust your Word,
you are eager to show us the path home.

Lead us forward in your time,
our God in community,
holy in One.

~ written by the Rev. Dr. Bertrice Wood.


How has God been patient with you?
In what ways can you be patient with God and others this week?


Creator God,
may your peace go with us,
wherever we will be this day.

May you guide us through our challenges,
protect us when in need
and inspire us with your love and patience.

May we acknowledge your presence
in all the human goodness we will see.
And may you bring us back rejoicing
to our places of rest this night.

Creator God, be with us this week,
as we serve you,
in the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Randy P. Martin @ Flickr]

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