Stories tagged:
who is vox

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.11.03

Liturgy How long must we wait for answers, Creator?How long will you hide your face from us?What is our purpose?Why are we here?How long must we live so divided?Can you not end all suffering?Can you not liberate us from our oppressors?Can you not provide for us in need?How can we offer comfort to those in mourningwhen we are not in […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.10.20

Liturgy God of spiritual orphans and seekers, comfort our hearts.Like the disciples before us, we often wrestlewith the confusing ache of your absence.After 2000 years of ascension, we yearn for a voicethat reaches through clouds to speak again.Once a man from Nazareth who healed, wept, and laughed,we’ve molded you into a thousand different dogmas for our own motives.Free us to […]