Stories tagged:

Who Is Vox? Welcoming Wanderers, Skeptics, and Believers

How do we practice radical welcome? Gena St. David explores how inside each of us exists a wanderer, skeptic, and believer as we conclude our fall series “Who is Vox?” She uses the practice of walking a prayer labyrinth to help us recognize vulnerability, value the winding path, and practice small experiments. [John 3:3-8] Reflection What does the wanderer inside […]

Know That You Are Loved

What are ways you know you are loved? On the eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Brittany Graves connects our spiritual journey, which starts out  the size of a mustard seed to seasons of growth and embracing shifts, while nourishing ourselves in Divine Love. [Mark 4:26-34] Reflection When hearing the text for today, what stands out to you in the parable of […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.04.14

Liturgy Let us begin our liturgy with prayer.Your responses are highlighted in yellow.Easter is past, and we are surprised to find you still with us.Like your followers then, we are startled by your presence.We don’t have your flesh and bones to prove it.We cannot touch you or give you food to eat.Give us eyes to see the Risen One,Hearts to […]

Embodying the Tension of Resurrection

As we consider the significance of an embodied resurrection, what tensions are we invited to carry and embody on our journey of faith? On the third Sunday of Easter, Weylin Lee looks at the challenge and richness of an embodied spirituality. [Luke 24:36-48] Reflection How are we invited to live from our vulnerabilities and scars? How might we embody peace […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.02.18

Liturgy My Lord and God, where are you?I used to hear Your voiceAnd now I hear only stillness.I used to hear Your melodyIt would lift me,I would whirl about spinning with arms openBut now I feel old and my ears ringAnd my knees creak and popI lose my breath so quickly and my back aches.I’m afraid my part in Your […]

The Epiphany Society

Can you recall a life realization which in retrospect appeared glaringly obvious? On this first Sunday after Epiphany, Lilly Ettinger invites us to wonder at God’s radical inclusion and how it invites the formation of a Beloved Community experiencing rescue and restoration.  [Isaiah 60:1-6] Reflection Where might you “lift your eyes” and see the world around you? Is there a […]

Learning How to Ask

Praying can be an act of naming that invites us into creative responses of redistributive justice. Gina Bastone-Trevino wrestles with the Lord’s Prayer and a familiar parable in ways that stretch  us during times of crisis. [Luke 11:1-10] Reflection What surprising strangeness can you find in re-reading the Lord’s prayer? What desire do you need to name to God, and […]

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