Judy Peterson reflects on how God creates everything with intent and purpose and how each of us is a unique reflection of the image of God [Genesis 1:26-27]. Reflection What are the”thats” that are not a part of the “THIS” God had created you to be? Who are the “thems” to which you tend to conform and how might God […]
Stories tagged:
True/False Self

Gideon Tsang reflects on what it would look like to find a way to live that’s renewing [2 Corinthians 4:16-18]. Reflection What can you subtract this week to free up space for the renewing of your inner being? What interruptions can we embrace this season? Resources Film: I, Tonya Spiritual Practice Try subtracting something from your life. What do you […]
Jason Minnix talks about the invitation to knowing and being known by God [Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17]. Reflection Where do I sense meaning and connection this morning? What gift am I being invited to receive today? Resources Film: Lucky MWG: Discussion Guide
Liturgy: Confession
As we continue our fall vision series on our rhythms of liturgy, Jason Minnix explores how true confession is related to our need for healing and reconnects us with who we really are [Luke 18:9-14]. Reflection: What would it look like to confess my need for healing today? Where do I need mercy to help me reconnect with who I […]
Weylin Lee talks about the paradoxical freedom that God invites us to experience [Romans 6:12-18]. Reflection: What areas of our lives might need to experience death or for us to let go of? How might we practice discernment through a lens of grace? Who or what are we imitating? Resources: Podcast: This American Life: Alain de Botton Podcast: Fresh Air: […]