Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.05.12

Liturgy Lord, too often when we hear talk of your law,we think of rules and restrictions,strict obedience,and we balk.Heal us of our false ideas about your ways.Forgive us for our small visions of you.You yourself, becoming human,fulfilled the law by removing its trappingsand exposing its heart.In loving us, you broke the rule of an eye for an eye,offering your full […]

The Path Less Traveled

In our journey to move towards flourishing, what are the less traveled paths we’re invited to walk on and through? On this seventh Sunday of Easter, Weylin Lee companions us down a spiritual path that delights in freedom, consents to the Creator, and is revealed over time.  [Psalm 1] Reflection Where might you practice delight in the pursuit of liberation […]

Advent: Time

As we begin the Advent season, Gideon Tsang reflects on what we are invited to spend time on and what we can use this season for [Romans 13:11-14]. Reflection How can you rest in knowing that your awakening will find you in time without your own willpower? What parts of you are being made whole in this season of Advent? […]

Daylight Savings:Spring Forward

Sunday, March 8 is the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. Yep, that means we lose an hour. Make sure you set your clocks an hour forward on Saturday night so you can make it to liturgy on time. Give extra thanks for our wonderful coffee bar volunteers that Sunday! [Photo by anna nycz @ Flickr]