What excites you about what Vox is (or could be) creating? On the sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Kimberly Culbertson propels us into creative tension as we consider our communal gait. [Matthew 13:31-34] Reflection How often have you seen yourself as a vital part of the church body versus as a recipient of church services? How does the concept of tensegrity […]
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Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.9.24
Liturgy Friends and siblings,Welcome to this sacred place this morning.Let us pause for a moment to be still and breathe.[Take a moment for the congregation to take a breath] Today, when we are challenged,may we be receptive to the Spirit’s moving. When we are humbled,may we make room for God’s healing and grace. When we face difficult emotions and trying […]
Engaging Tension with Humility
How can we grow from engaging tensions in our world? Vanessa Maleare shares her story of being shaped by tension in living out her calling, while reflecting on the story of Peter living in the tension of past failure and present affirmation. [John 21:18-22] Reflection Where in your life are you fleeing from tension? Which of these unresolvable tensions calls […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.1.15
Liturgy We receive invitations for a new year.Be more impressive, disciplined, & accomplishedBe less mediocre, unrestrained, & incapable We set familiar goals, even if the goal is to set no goals.We hope for the magic combination of inspiration & perspiration,and we should all over ourselves. Behold! Look! Here!There’s more than meets the eye.We’re invited into another way.Let us come and […]
Immersed in the Way of Christ
As we begin a new year, how might we discover rhythms and moments of immersing ourselves in the way of Christ? Weylin Lee opens up about how experience and encounter get us unstuck and in step with God’s Radical Love [John 1:35-42] Reflection How might we sit in the tension of the paradox of Christ? How can we intentionally make […]