Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2025.02.16

Liturgy In the cold dark earth, You began with a seedYou dug the holeYou rested it thereYou spoke over itYou knew where it had come fromAnd what it would produceYou watered the seedAdded nutrients to the soilAnd you watchedAs the seed stretched out its rootsYou returned to the seed each dayProtected it from the windRemoved the encroaching weedsKept the birds […]

Re-Membering Vox’s Roots

How does re-membering our past shape who we are becoming together in the coming years? Christopher Mack facilitates a panel of Carol Lee, Hannah Friesen, and John Bagwell, longtime members of Vox, as they tell  the story of what has made Vox such a special community. This is in conversation with our scripture which talks about the importance of roots […]