Gideon Tsang finishes our vision series on Rootedness by exploring what it looks like for us to consent to rootedness and the fruit that we’ll bear [John 15:15-17]. Reflection What kind of people do we want to be in 20 years? What kind of fruit do we hope to produce over time? Resources Video: Mindful Silence (Phileena Heuertz) MWG: Discussion […]
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Rootedness: Forming Roots
Gideon Tsang continues our vision series on Rootedness by considering why we should be rooted with Christ and each other [John 15:4-8]. Reflection How is Christ inviting the disappointment of our exterior lives to deepen into our interior lives? What does it look like to root together with the Vox community this season? Resources Podcast: On Being (Kevin Kelly) MWG: […]
Rootedness: The Vine
Jason Minix starts our vision series on Rootedness by reflecting on what it means to become more rooted to God and a spiritual community [John 15:1-4]. Reflection How am I being invited into rootedness now? What surfaces for healing in me now as I consider rooting? Resources MWG: Discussion Guide Spiritual Practice Vine Inventory. What vines am I attached to […]