Liturgy We gather together on the secondSunday of Advent, and we lightthe candle of peace. We each bring a wound, a weight,or a worry into this Advent season.What might yours be? May we have the audacity and courageto name to God and those we trustwhatever within is longing foracknowledgment and comfort. God, we realize that often the mostpainful part of […]
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Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.11.29
Liturgy We gather together on the first Sunday of Advent. After a year of sorrow and pestilence,we wait in hope of a bountiful harvest.After a year of solitude and separation,we long for seats at the wedding banquet. Lord God, bless us with eyes to see,bless us with ears to hear,bless us with wisdom to recognize your coming. Surrounded by clamoring […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.11.22
Liturgy O Lord, how lovely it is to be your guest:the winds are sweet;the oaks reach to the skies;the waters like boundless mirrorsand the floating cloudsreflect the sun’s golden rays. Alleluia! We praise you Lord,for the glory of this morning,for the mercies that comewith every daybreak. All nature murmurs mysteriously,breathing the depth of tenderness.Birds and beasts of our scraggy forestsbear […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.11.15
Liturgy Welcome to this space and workwhich we hold togetherand are held in togetherin many placesand through a variety of technologies. This morning, the pain and joyin our stories and in our bodieshold a kind of truth. May we soften at the edgesof our resistance to that whichis true and good. The pain and joy in our relationshipsand our society […]
Liturgy, Reflection, and Benediction 2020.11.08
Liturgy As we gather from our week,we hold true to your promise thatwhen two or three – or two hundred –of us gather, you are there.Be among us and within us. Yet we admit that we do not always actas one body, and we let interpretationscome before community. Show us another way to live as the church.Teach us how to […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.11.01
Liturgy Oh sinners, held together by the barest threads,are you acquainted with our old friend death? So many scars,so many stories. All around us the leaves fall,the earth cools, and creationsheds off another layer of time. Here are my scars.Here are my stories. Oh saints of the earth, have we enoughtears to fill the gaps and holes?Behold this old body, […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.10. 25
Liturgy Hear, Vox Veniae, Voice of Grace,the ancient prayer that speaks from centuries before us. Lord God, you are matchless.You show us the ways of your love,with all your Heart,with all your Spirit,with all your strength. Among the clamor and discord of our world,We confess that we are slow to hear your wisdom.Within the perpetual march of our habits and […]