Liturgy Jesus, you are the Sonof the living God.In perfect unison,all things were formedby you and through you. Displayed in the utterance of wordand the work of wing was yourglory made known. Though your identity and intentionsremain in question for most,you remain confident in who you are. Come then and be with us.Be among us as we read your storyand […]
Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.04.25
Liturgy Jesus walked in the Light of Love,when there was darkness,when there was pain.Jesus loved the sinner,and showed us that the lost can always be found. So we wonder, can’t it be both?When we wake up tired, can’t we still get up?When we’re scared, can’t we still walk toward the challenge? When we’re angry, can’t we still love?When we’re joyful, […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.04.18
Liturgy God of all things,we arrive as a collectiveembodying an abundanceof every human need. God of limitless compassion,we bring our broken hearts before you.Restore the distorted vision in our eyesto see what you see in ourselves and each other. God of limitless dreams,we bring our broken dreams before you.Restore the frayed edges of hopeswhere we are jaded and cynical. God […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.04.11
Liturgy Loving God, you invite us all into this space today.You welcome your treasured people in all our forms,wholly beloved, beautiful, unique.Into this moment, we come. We worship you in celebration.We give thanks for your love and grace,your faithfulness and justice,and with uninhibited praise, we sing. May the Spirit breathe into usthrough the spring winds.May we embrace the soilthat feeds […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.04.04
Liturgy On this Easter Sunday, how do you come?How might you imagine, we as a communitycome this morning? Whether in grief or joy,recently betrayed or reconnected, the invitationthis morning is to accept what is, here and now. O, infinite One of radical acceptance,help us have the faith to welcomeourselves and each other as we areon this Easter morning. Where are […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.03.28
Liturgy Most gracious God,You are with us.Most holy God,You are present. We draw near to Youand you to us.You hear our hearts.May we hear yours. When we are filled with fear,when grief threatens to overcome,You groan with us.You hold us. As the budding of treesand the blossoming of wildflowersgive us hope and joy and relief,You celebrate with us. With ready […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.03.21
Liturgy God, in you we live and move and have our beingYou are the ground on which we walk,the light by which we see,the dust to which we will return. We invite the grounding elements ofcreation into our worship this morning:Earth, wind, water, light,Soil, trees, clouds, sun. Enter into these human-made rooms.Enter into these aching hearts. We pray in the […]