Liturgy When raging storms are knocking the floorboards apart,when shrouded skies suddenly dump their weight onto the roof,when the windows could give at any moment to the fierce winds,there is much we put to sleep in order to keep on going. For what we’ve weathered already, Lord have mercy. Then the storm eases, but doesn’t really end,and sodden days stretch […]
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Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.06.13
Liturgy Holy and Beloved God,From near and far we come, arriving in pieces,connected yet broken, fatigued from a year apart,longing for reunion, safety, and past comfort. We enter unsure of what we will find.May we embrace your mystery.We come clinging to control.May we release ourselves to your power.We reunite cautiously yet joyously.May we celebrate the beauty of your community. You […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.06.06
Liturgy Welcome, welcome, welcome.We welcome all that comes to us today.We are made of our experiences. Those that teach us joy,those that teach us pain,and those that teach us comfort. We are made of times that teachus when we need to move,and when we need to be still. May we welcome the loving presence of our God.We are made of […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.05.30
Liturgy In you, oh God, we have life and community.In the city and in us, may your voice be heard. Unconditional, is the love that you place in our hearts.Everlasting, is the promise of hope you made. We gather as the church.We gather as the disconnected.We gather as the restless. We gather to offer an urban mass:to acknowledge our restlessness,to […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.05.23
Liturgy Welcome to this community that is gathering this morning. You are invited to bring all the messiness in your life.Your confusion, your unease, your uncertainty;all of who you are is welcome to participate. God, will you help us soften our resistance?Will you help us release our desire for controljust a little more this morning? You are invited to bring […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.05.16
Liturgy Each person gathered here today has astory that is quite different from your own.Collectively, we bring a wild arrangement of lifeexperiences that give strength to our community. As different as we are, we are united in wantingto love and serve those around us. Some of ushave energy for it now, and others do not. Lord God, let us recognize […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.05.09
Liturgy You, who are fearfully andwonderfully made, listen.God is with us. You, who are daily renewedby the blood of Christ, look.God is with us. You, who are given life by theHoly Spirit, breathe deeply.God is with us. May we open our hearts to hear the word of God today.May we receive the love that is in every word, andmay we […]