Liturgy As we join together, we confessit can be, at times, hard to rememberwhat love does.Love waits, it is patient, it does not force itself. We confess, our fears and our egoscan cloud our direction and judgment.Where is love?Love doesn’t keep score and doesn’t look back. When we feel unworthy and unwelcome,we confess, we forget our identitiesand our voices. Love […]
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Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.08.22
Liturgy Beloved family of God: our lives are carriedlike leaves on the current of our weeks.We arrive in this place burdened by so muchthat saturates us to the verge of sinking. Surround us, God of compassion.Reach into the waves, Son of Man,Fill us, Spirit of the Living God,Give us the patience to await calm. Beloved family of God: let us […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.08.15
Liturgy Oh Lord, hear now our request.Great is our heart for your people.Great are your people in their number and need. Greatly provide us paths of expansion.In all manner of the mind and inner witness,and of the spleen and intuition. May we see and know and not forget that wisdomis better than comfort, status, and retaliation. Turn now our hearts […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.08.08
Liturgy God of justice, peace, and righteousness,be in our midst this morning.Breathe your breath, your Spirit of life,your energy, your enlivening,your imagination on us. Wake us up, open our eyes,Open our mouths, and unplug our earsthat we might hear, that we might see,that we might taste, that we might grieve,that we might dream, that we might followthe ways of your […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.07.11
Liturgy Beloved community of friends and siblings,let’s take a moment to breathe together,even while we are still apart. (pause for a breath) We are in a season of transition.May God be our constant. We are making plans and filling our schedules.May God give us space to rest. We are not quite out of the storm.May God give us patience. We […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.07.04
Liturgy Lord God, we come to you this morning as fragile beings.Oftentimes, we hide our vulnerability from each otherdeclaring ourselves weak and unloveable. We’ve calloused our delicate heartsto survive our daily hardships.Unknowingly, these hardened heartshave kept us from true connection with you,dear God, one another, and ourselves. Vox, may we accept this invitationto remove these barriers and showthe softness of […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.06.27
Liturgy Creator God, at the dawn of time,You created not one living thing, but many.You bent the boughs of the live oak tree thatwe might swing from their mighty branches.You flattened the paddles of the prickly pearand left sweet nectar inside.We rejoice in the life all around us. You daily craft the streaks of orange inthe sunset so we can […]