How might we re-imagine God’s justice in a restorative framework rather than a primarily punitive one? On Christ the King Sunday, Christopher Mack reexamines scriptures on God’s justice and judgment through a lens of nonviolent theology and restorative justice. [Matthew 25:31-40] Reflection Where are you struggling to see God at work in our divisive, violent, over-consumptive, and destructive world? When […]
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Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.11.26
Liturgy Create a throne room for yourself here,O Christ, but let it be the empty seat beside the anxiousthe lonely chair next to the confusedthe vacant pew next to the hungryand reign as sovereign over the forgottenMay your reign be a mockery to the worldbut good news to those who seek out truthand may we join them in the searchfinding […]