What is your relationship to power and authority? On this third Sunday of Lent, Weylin Lee invites us to disrupt oppressive systems, embody our anger through protest, and reimagine decentralized power in light of the story of Jesus’ confrontation in the temple. [John 2:13-22] Reflection How are we revealing and disrupting oppressive systems? How are we connecting with and expressing […]
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Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.03.03
Liturgy Divine CreatorBreath of lifeBecause of You, and through You, and in You all things exist All that we are All that we have Comes from You This morning, may you assist us in turning our eyes inward Reveal to us mysteries we’ve hidden from ourselvesMake ready our hearts to be fertile ground for Your teaching Empower us to break […]
Subversion of Empire as a Form of Holy Protest
On this Palm Sunday, Jonathan Davis reflects on how Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem subverted empire and injustice of his day [Luke 19:28-40]. Reflection How might God be calling me to subvert injustice in my own sphere of influence? How can I announce/proclaim the alternate Kin-dom of God this coming week? What parts of established religious systems do I reject in […]